Top 6 best plants against dry air
Several indoor plants give off a lot of moisture and make the air inside better to breathe in. Humidifying plants also help with dry eyes and dry skin.

Topp 6 - beste luftfuktende planter
1. Hydrangea is used as a houseplant indoors during the winter months and is the best humidifier plant. Hydrangea can be purchased in stores from January. Care: A really good humidifier needs a little more water than other houseplants. Usually, giving it a sip of water two or three times a week is enough. It will never dry out, but it also does not like to stand in water, so make sure to let it drain well. It is advisable to repot the hydrangea in a larger pot so that it is easier to maintain even moisture in the soil. Place it in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. 2. Azalea is a very flower-friendly plant that comes in various colors with both single and double flowers. It is also a very good humidifier. Care: In the azalea's natural environment, on the rainy slopes of Japan and Thailand, it rains often and there is high humidity. Usually, potted azaleas need a lot of watering, sometimes daily in certain environments. If you give it a larger pot than it is grown in, it will be easier to keep the soil consistently moist. Remember to pour off any excess water that remains on the dish or in the outer pot. 3. Ghost plant is a well-known classic with its hanging baby plants, which means you always have the opportunity to give a shoot to someone. The plant also spreads moisture around itself. Care: Can tolerate some dryness between waterings. Grows best in a window with not too much sun.

4. Ferns are plants that have been faithful servants in our homes for a long time. They also spread humidity in the room.,Care: Ferns often grow in the shade in nature, under the protection of a stone or other larger plants. They can be placed a little further into the room so that they are not exposed to direct sunlight. Ferns like soil that is always slightly moist, but not waterlogged. A daily shower with a spray bottle is also appreciated.,5. Palm trees - such as bamboo palm, bush palm and areca palm, are also effective humidifiers.,Care: They do not like to be in direct sunlight and prefer even moisture in the soil. They love a good shower.,