Tips and Tricks
August - this you can sow and cultivate
Lush and green and late summer heat! In August it is time to harvest apples, vegetables and berrier, and there is still time for some sowing. What about some fast-growing vegetables?
Grow your ownEternal flowers - cultivate flowers you can dry
Sometimes you want to prolong the experience of certain flowers. In many cases, the blooming period is quite short, which means you have a short time to enjoy the sight of the flowers.
Grow your ownJanuary - this you can see and cultivate
When the snow lies heavy in the garden, it is easy to think that cultivation must wait, but fortunately there is much you can do already now if you have the itch to start growing.
Grow your ownMay - this is what you can sow and grow
Finally! Sun, warmth, and budding buds. Now spring is here for real, and you can sow lots of green right into pots and beds. If you want to harvest a lot in summer, you should get as much as possible into the ground now.
Grow your ownApril - this is what you can sow and cultivate
Spring is on its way, and the light is getting stronger and stronger. Now it's truly time to start pre-cultivating both vegetables and flowers. In the garden, you can also start with the hardiest plants
Grow your ownJune - this is what you can sow and cultivate
The wonderful early summer is here, the days are getting warmer and there is full activity in the garden. Now you can sow most vegetables outdoors, and as long as the frost stays away, plants that have been pre-cultivated indoors can find their place outside in the open.
Grow your ownJuly - this is what you can sow and cultivate
Finally summer! Remember to enjoy it while you can, and plant out everything you have - because now the soil and the garden are warm.
Grow your ownSeptember - this is how you sow and grow
Beautiful red leaves and the last breath of summer. Now is the time to harvest the last vegetables and fruits from the garden - but in some places it is still possible to plant new ones, especially to plant flower bulbs in the ground for a lovely blooming in spring.
Grow your ownOctober - this is what you can sow and cultivate
The days are getting shorter, and the cold is sneaking in - but it is still possible to cultivate! October is a fantastic time for those who want to sow for the autumn, plant flower bulbs, divide and plant perennials, roses and most importantly new trees.
Grow your ownNovember - this is what you can sow and cultivate
November can bring different weather, from place to place and year to year. Nevertheless, there is plenty to do in the garden. How about preparing for spring grafting of apple and pear trees, or taking winter cuttings? In addition, in some places you can still harvest seeds, divide perennials, plant new ones, sow in autumn or prepare for winter sowing.
Grow your ownDecember - this is what you can sow and cultivate
The Christmas season is approaching, and gardening may seem distant. But for those who long for it, there is always something to sow and plant. Summarize this year's efforts in the garden and plan for the upcoming season.
Grow your ownBuild a hotbed - cultivate record early
Are you tired of the winter and want to get an early start on your spring planting? Build a hotbed - a fantastic solution that not only saves space, but also makes the plants compact and durable.
Grow your ownPropagation and planting of plants
How do you avoid pre-cultivated seedlings being caught off guard by cold, weather, and wind? And when should you actually move the plants out? Here we delve deeper into the topic of hardening off and transplanting.
Grow your ownCreate a kitchen garden - how to succeed
Organic tomatoes, large Jerusalem artichokes or maybe crisp salad leaves? Many dream of going out in the garden and picking their own vegetables for dinner. But how do you actually set up a kitchen garden? We give you the tips!
Grow your ownCultivate Italian vegetables
In Italy, cultivation and cuisine go hand in hand. Sun-kissed vegetables make the food truly special—many Italian vegetables can also be grown in the northern countries. Here are some tips for cultivating vegetables inspired by the Mediterranean.
Grow your ownSow your summer flowers from seeds directly in the garden
Direct sowing means that you skip the step of pre-cultivating indoors and sow directly in the outdoor bed. You get a nice bed faster, save on indoor cultivation area, and avoid some of the transplanting of seedlings and acclimatization in the spring. You can also sow in the autumn for an earlier blooming in the spring. The seeds then lie dormant, waiting for the right temperature to start growing.
Grow your ownGuaranteed gardening pleasure with ready-to-plant vegetable plants
If you forgot to sow chili in January, your cabbage plants won't grow this year, or you simply don't have space for a lot of pots inside, who says you have to do everything yourself? Buy ready-made vegetable plants and harvest from your own backyard without stress. Here you get gardener Malou Augustin's best tips.
Grow your ownSow in plastic boxes during the winter and get hardy plants for the spring
Planting vegetables and herbs in the winter in transparent plastic boxes that can be placed outdoors during the coldest season of the year is not only space-saving - it also produces stronger plants that can withstand a frosty night or two. Join the trend and start planting already this winter.
Grow your ownSeed school - sow from seed indoors
There are many edible treats you can sow yourself. Or perhaps you'd like to cultivate beautiful flowers to make bouquets with? Learn more about how to successfully sow seeds and how to take good care of your plants.
Grow your ownTo cultivate in the time of climate change
Drought, heavy rain, threatened insects, and soil depletion. Climate change affects our cultivation in many ways, including the one that takes place in our own gardens. But what can we do? Here we take a closer look at how we, to some extent, can mitigate the effects on a small scale.
Grow your ownGreenhouse - everything you need to know
Let the hobby gardener in you bloom, and extend the season with a practical greenhouse. Grow your own, Norwegian vegetables, exotic plants, or protect your favorite plants from attacks. With a greenhouse, there is a greater chance that your plants thrive and are happy year-round.
Grow your ownVertical farming - cultivate vertically and save space
Vertical farming, that is, growing upwards, is becoming increasingly popular, and it's easy to understand why - it saves a lot of space, whether you're growing indoors, in the garden, or on the balcony. It's simply perfect for those who don't have much space.
Grow your ownPlant seeds in the autumn and enjoy flowers in the spring.
Sow seeds early and late in the fall - and be greeted by a blooming garden in the spring. Which seeds are suitable for overwintering? Read more here in our guide and get your planting done in the fall before the frost comes.
Grow your ownGrowing on the balcony
Make your balcony into a cultivation oasis that you can enjoy and eat from. Even in small areas, you can grow treats like berries, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. You can sow or start with grown plants, depending on your desires and ambitions.
Grow your ownThis is how you store what you have grown
Kilograms of cucumbers and apples in buckets and containers. It's fun to succeed with cultivation, but what do we do with all the food? Here we tell you how to store fruits and vegetables in the best way possible.
Grow your ownReady to pick - how to succeed with harvest-ready plants
Have you always dreamed of an herb garden with harvest-ready plants, ready to be picked and eaten? It doesn't have to be so complicated. With cultivated and ready-to-pick peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, or strawberries, all you need to do is plant them out to enjoy fruits and vegetables - ready to pick.
Grow your ownPicking, cleaning and drying mushrooms
Picking, cleaning, and drying mushrooms is a rewarding and relaxing hobby that anyone can learn. With the right knowledge about different types of mushrooms and equipment, you'll be quickly on your way.
Grow your ownMake homemade juice from berries and fruit
Do you want to fill your pantry with homemade treats? Making your own juice is a perfect way to utilize fruits and berries from the garden.
Grow your own5 tips for successful pre-cultivation
When the sun has turned and the days are getting longer it's time for pre-cultivation. Many start already in January. Here you get gardener and garden inspirator Malou Augustins five best tips for a successful pre-cultivation.
Grow your ownSo indoor all year
Even those who do not have the opportunity to plant outdoors can enjoy the joy of growing and harvesting. During the winter months, extra light is needed to ensure the crops sprout.
Grow your ownFebruary - this is what you can sow and cultivate
Winter is in full swing. For those of us who cultivate, this is a quieter period, but for those who want, there is always something to do
Grow your ownMarch - this is what you can sow and cultivate
Rain, slush, or beautiful powder snow? The weather in March often fluctuates a lot. Fortunately, it is still possible to jumpstart spring, because when the light returns, it is time to sow seeds in the ground.
Grow your own